How to Get Verified on Instagram
Sep 19, 2022
Written by Casey Bjorkdahl

Similar to other social media platforms such as Twitter, there is also a method for getting verified on instagram. Being verified on Instagram is the stuff of dreams for any influencer. Having a blue checkmark lets your audience know that you're the real deal and hold a significant or loyal following.
There are a lot of questions surrounding this topic:
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If you're wondering how to become verified on Instagram, read below to find out more about the process.
What Does it Mean To Get Verified on Instagram?
To get verified on Instagram means having a blue checkmark next to your name. This blue checkmark indicates that you might be a celebrity, a powerful influencer, or an authorized company or website. This blue checkmark will appear on the profile page itself on Instagram, as well as on someone's followers or following list.
For instance, if you're viewing someone's list of "followers" or "following," a blue checkmark will also appear next to a profile's name indicating they are of importance.
Instagram says that a verified badge can be given to:
- Brands
- Celebrities
- Public figures
The blue checkmark or verified badge also lets people know that an account is verified. This means that it does not belong to a fun club or fan page, but is an authentic page of the above-mentioned celebrities, brands, or public figures. One thing to note is that Instagram does not give blue checkmarks to people solely based on "importance" or who is "notable." To Instagram, the verified badge simply means the page is authentic.
While some notable figures submit for a verified badge on Instagram, this does not mean all figures receive a blue checkmark.
How Do You Get Verified on Instagram?
Instagram has criteria for those wondering how to get verified on Instagram. These criteria include proving an account's authenticity, uniqueness, completeness, and noteworthiness.
To submit a verified badge request, visit the settings page on your Instagram profile. Navigate to "Account" and then to "Request Verification." An application page will open to prove the following criteria.
How to Prove Account is Authentic
You will need to input your full name and keep the username you want to confirm as authentic. Remember, once your page is confirmed and receives a verified badge, you will not be able to change the name on your account, so it's best to choose a real name. Instagram will ask you to submit a document type to prove your page is authentic for a company, brand, or person. You can upload:
- Driver's license
- Passport
- National Identification Card
- Tax Filing
- Recent Utility Bill
- Articles of Incorporation
How to Prove Account is Notable
You will then need to submit proof that your account is notable. You will need to select a category from:
- News/media
- Sports
- Government and politics
- Music
- Fashion
- Entertainment
- Digital Creator/ Blogger/ Influencer
- Gamer
- Global Business/ Brand/ Organization
- Other
You can also submit information on your audience, as well as your country of origin. Then, you will need to attach links to news articles or other noteworthy publications that mention you or your company. This shows Instagram that your page is notable and needs to be verified.
How to Prove Account is Unique
In addition to the above steps, your account must be unique to be verified. You should only submit one request for one account page that you need to be verified. Submitting more than one might cause Instagram to reject your request.
How to Prove Account is Complete
Your account must also be complete, meaning it must have a picture, user name, biography, and be public. It must also be active when you apply for verified status.
How Long Does it Take to Get Verified on Instagram?
The verification process for Instagram can take up to 30 days to complete. You will see a notification in your activity informing you of Instagram's decision. If Instagram rejects your verified application, you may reapply for a verified badge after 30 days. However, constantly applying while you're in the verification process might hinder your approval.
Instagram will remove your verified status if you sell your verified profile, advertise instead of post on Instagram, or use a third party to verify your account, among other things.
Can Anyone Get Verified on Instagram?
Not anyone can get verified. The company, brand, or person must meet Instagram's criteria, which includes being unique, authentic, notable, and complete. Even if a person is verified and meets all these criteria, they cannot sell or give away their verified badge or lie in the process of being verified. The verification process ensures safety on the platform and authenticity.
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